Friday, August 7, 2009


Although my week started out really nicely "studying" at Kick Butt Coffee, I mostly occupied myself trying to write 2 papers for one of my classes. I had horrible writer's block and unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish my papers and get them turned in until about 11 p.m. on Wednesday, one hour short of when they were due. However, Thursday was a really good day. I got out of class a little early, ran into some old friends, and paid a little (much deserved) visit to Cain and Abel's with Punny Girl. Cain & Abel's + Punny Girl + 1 a.m. visit to Taco C = Good Times! I had some really cute pics of Punny Girl and I sipping on our lovely Texas Teas but unfortunately, my phone was unable to send them :( I will definitely update when I manage to work it out, though!

Now it's Saturday and I am locked up in my room doing homework. You would think I would get a lot of work done since it's just me in here but not necessarily the far I have managed to: write an introduction and 2 paragraphs of my spanish term paper, organize my binder, sign up for a volunteer event next week, write a paper for my internship class, eat a Lean Cuisine, put together a cute outfit for my evening outing with J, exercise with my medicine ball, sync my google calendar with my Blackberry, bought some good songs on iTunes, painted my nails, and a number of more useless things! I was really hoping to write more than just 2 pages of my term paper, but I figured I got the hardest thing out of the way, which in my opinion is the introduction.

Tonights outing is to "Speakeasy" downtown and I am very excited! A funk band by the name of "Les and the Funk Mob" is the main event tonight! Will update with details/comments/thoughts and hopefully pictures, tomorrow! For now, I shall return to writing my paper and working on my oral presentation I have on Tuesday!

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday!!!!

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